Friday, November 6, 2009

Pigs Make Me Sneeze! by Mo Willems

Pigs Make Me Sneeze! by Mo Willems

Abstract: Gerald believes he is allergic to his best friend! Will he have to stay away from Piggie forever?

Hyperion Books for Children, 2009.


Scarlet said...

This is one of my new favorite Elephant and Piggie titles! I love the emotion and physical humor depicted in the illustrations and can't wait to act it out. In fact one of my best "I love my job" moments recently is due to this book: A young boy came into my library right as I put a copy of Pigs Make Me Sneeze on display - he was so excited to see it that he squealed loudly. Before their library visit concluded, he had made his big sister, Mom AND Dad each read it to him, while he laughed hysterically each time. All the other patrons in the area were as amused at his obvious joy and pleasure as I was, and we made several new Willems fans that night.

Pumpkin said...

Why can't Gerald cover his mouth???