Thursday, March 26, 2009

Good Dog, Aggie! by Lori Ries

Good Dog, Aggie! by Lori Ries

Illustrated by Frank W. Dormer

Abstract: When Aggie the dog does not mind, Ben takes her to obedience school which ends in disaster, but while practicing at home one day Ben realizes what really motivates Aggie to mind.

Charlesbridge, 2009.


Kim Wier said...

We struggled a bit conceptually with this book. My daughter had a hard time following parts of the story - for example in the first chapter she was confused by why the obedience class instructor gave them a whole bunch of treats at the end of class to use at home. I think more pictures that illustrated how the treats were being used to train Aggie would have helped a lot with comprehension for kids who haven't trained a dog before.

Kris said...

Nice stories in this book, but I'm not convinced they are strong enough to be called "exceptional".